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Monsterbrick is the second boss of the game Gunbrick mobile.


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Monsterbrick appears as a yellow square brick with a grate over the middle part that houses its pilot. The outside border is plated with metal. There are two red circles on the left and right sides of the brick.

Game information[]

The Monsterbrick boss fight is similar to the one with the large police gunbrick. The player has to shoot the boss's weak spots to damage the enemy.

In the boss fight, it moves to the left or to the right, so the player has to avoid being being run over by shooting up. When it hits the wall, the weak spot is revealed and some platforms appear and the player has to go up on to shoot the weak spot.

In each phase, different platforms will appear. In the first phase, four lower platform appear and the player can easily reach them and hit the monsterbrick. In the second phase, the player must shoot up to the middle platform, then either move towards the boss (include 1 shot to the opposite) or move oppositely (include 3 shots towards the boss) to get the platforms where the player can directly shoot the weak spot. In the third phase, the player must go across the burner. The player must move up to the platform on the opposite, then fire towards the switch until the player moves near the non-stop burner, where the player can move down and finish the boss.


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